Trappings of the American Cowboy.

The horses and gear of cowboys Out West
Are all put to use, for a purpose that's best
With saddles and ropes, and spurs
They'll gather the cattle in herds
Their equipment is strong, and always put to the test.


By photographing cowboys and the gear that they use every day I offer a unique approach to capturing the essence of cowboy culture. By focusing on the everyday tools and equipment that cowboys use, I try to create a sense of authenticity and intimacy that is often missing in more traditional depictions of cowboys.

Capturing the intricacies of the gear that cowboys use, such as the stitching on a leather saddle or the patina on an old pair of spurs, gives my photographs a sense of depth and richness that is hard to achieve with more general images. This attention to detail also gives my photographs a sense of authenticity and intimacy, making them stand out from more general and clichéd images of cowboys.


Monument Valley


Ranch Life