On The Road.
Upon the road less traveled, where whispers stir the trees,
We journey forth with open hearts, to where the wild wind flees.
Through winding paths and secret lanes, where wonders never cease,
We meet the souls who call these lands their haven, their release.
In hidden hamlets, laughter rings, and tales of old unfold,
Each face a map of stories, in their eyes, adventures bold.
From cities large to backroad village, we wander without care,
For on the road less traveled, life's magic fills the air.
German Tree, Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania
On the Road and Off the Beaten Path.
It’s not always the destination, but the journey itself, that provides the grandest nuggets in life. The destination may be where you’re going. But getting there, the unexpected places and the joy of meeting the local people, is the sweetest reward.
When I just started out in photography (early 90s) I traveled with a small Minolta film camera. Conditions were usually less than perfect for photography in most of the places I wandered in. Finding film and having it developed was nearly impossible in some countries. Film canisters sometimes got lost or damaged so the fact that I was able to come back with anything was quite a miracle in itself.
Here are some street scenes from a few of the many memorable places that I had the good fortune to visit over the decades of traveling with my camera.
Tonle Sap River, Cambodia
Angkor, Cambodia
Along the Tonle Sap River, Cambodia (the kids were fascinated by my camera. I gave them empty film canisters as gifts. They loved them.)
On the train in India
Estancia San Gara, Corrientes, Argentina
Barefoot Guarani Gaucho, Argentina
India (bagging sand)
Gaurani Gauchos, Corrientes, Argentina
China (duck lunch)
Cambodia (there were guard locations set up around Cambodia. Searching for live mines still buried in the fields and outlying areas)
Walled City, Hong Kong (photo taken in 1992. The walled city has since been torn down)
Moon Hill, China (yes, I hiked all the way to the top to get this picture)
Riding horseback through the marshes along the Parana River, Agentina / Paraguay border
Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania (a lone Landcruiser)
Siena, Italy, Alleyway
Beijing (typical street scene)
Texas (salt box home along the road)
Tennessee, Americana. (oh the stuff we keep!)
Cabin, Texas
Skull Valley, Arizona (the general store, the way it used to be)
Sisterdale, Texas
Church Steeple, Texas
Lantau Island, China
Siem Reap, Cambodia (milk vendor at the market)
Hanoi, VietNam
Phenom Phen, Cambodia (drying laundry)
VietNam (beauty parlor)
VietNam, rice paddy workers
China (school kids heading home through rice paddies)
Dalat Lake, VietNam
New Delhi, India, fabric vendors
Along the road in Scotland
Paris, France
Buenos Aires, Argentina